Last updated on 1/07/2023
When you visit our website, our third chat platform tells is your information, such as the geographical area you’re accessing the website from, browser namen. This information is not personally identifiable (it cannot be traced back to you). Use use this information, to help us make business decisions regarding how to chat with you. For example: identifying the kind of service you want, and the kind of service provider to assign to you. Anonymized geographical information helps us in understanding in what cities and districts people interested in our Local services. Based on such information, we’re making marketing and business development decisions. For example: if we were to run a marketing campaign targeting users from a particular city in Nigeria, but based on the collected data realized that very few users visited our website from that city, we could make a decision ‘switch-off’ such campaign. Similarly, if we see a substantial number of visitors from a particular city, where our marketplace services are currently not available, we will allocate additional resources to help prepare for launch in that new market.
we naturally need to collect personally identifiable information (information which can be traced to you). Personally identifiable information is only collected when you place a service order, or use the contact form available on our website.
In order to be able to match you with an independent local service provider, we need to collect the following information in our order form:
Company Name (if you’re a business customer)
Email address
Phone number
Address of the property where the local service should place, you may give us the
Size of the property (used to estimate the time necessary for service)
Any information provided by you in the comments section
Information named above is share with the local service provider, once they accept the order for a local service, which is presented to them.
Information named above is the minimum viable information we, and the independent local service providers we’re working with need to know to be able to service your order.
In addition collected above, Our Local Service shall serve you his invoice includes your billing address, to you in person or to your email.
We do not share or sell your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to third parties for marketing, or other ‘for-profit’ services. Your PII is shared with 3rd parties on ‘need-to-know’ basis, only when it is necessary to facilitate the order for cleaning service. Such third parties include only independent cleaning providers, which accepted the cleaning order presented to them in the anonymized form, and which are going to perform the cleaning service and freelancers we’re working with. In addition to the cases named above, we reserve the right to share your information with collection agencies and credit report bureaus (e.g. SCHUFA, Law Enforcement), if you default on payment to a service provider hired using our marketplace (i.e. you do not pay your bill). Before sharing the information with such 3rd parties, we send you a notice about that to your email address.
Your information is primarily stored in MySQL database linked to our proprietary banking software ‘SmartTeller’ hosted with CPanel server located in a Nigeria based Host Provider. In addition to our proprietary marketplace software, your data may be stored on Google Drive (e.g. invoices for local service), Google Apps for business (e.g. Gmail, Google Spreadsheets), and Insightly Chat software.
Service order, use the booking form available on our website.
Your personally identifiable information can always be deleted at your request, it can be deleted by yourself on the App. Except in cases where you have outstanding Payment, Its is required to Pay first before deleting your Account. We may also store your information for accounting purposes, or ‘know your customer’ regulations relevant to financial transactions with our Service Providing Partner. If you request us to delete the information, which we are legally required to keep for a certain period of time, such information will be deleted as soon as we are legally able to do so. In order to request the deletion of your data, please send us an email with such request to [email protected]. Or Delete yourself on the Application.